zombie meat 殭屍肉
zombie meat
內地走私凍肉猖獗,海關總署本月在全國開展專項行動,搗破21 個走私凍肉集團,查獲經香港轉口的凍肉產品逾10萬噸,其中包括雪藏30 年的豬手和40 年的雞翼。這些被稱為「殭屍肉」的過期走私凍肉,經化學加工後,變成「美味佳餚」,進入餐廳和夜市大排檔。
10 萬噸經香港走私 40年殭屍肉銷全國(2015年6月24日)。明報,A20版。
10萬餘噸“殭屍肉”走私入境銷往全國 現“70後”凍肉(2015年6月23日)。新華網,取自 http://www.gs.xinhuanet.com/news/2015-06/23/c_1115698910.htm。
Media reports say General Administration of Customs officials seized more than 100,000 tons of “zombie meat“, long-expired frozen meat products including chicken wings and beef, worth more than 3 billion yuan ($483 million). Some of the meat had been frozen for more than 40 years. The news has shocked the public.
僵尸肉 (jiangshirou): Zombie meat (2015, July 1). China Daily. Retrieved from http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2015-07/01/content_21147351.htm.