sovereign default 主權債務違約

sovereign default



希臘債務違約恐成定局,為免大量資本流失,希臘總理齊普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)周日晚宣布希臘各銀行將根據央行建議停止對外營業並實行資本管制,並呼籲國際債權人把本月底到期的救助協議延長數日,以等待公投結果。

習廣思(2015年6月30日)。希臘死局 拆解不易。信報財經新聞,B01頁。

What is a US debt default?

At its most basic level, a default is when a person or an entity cannot repay a debt on time. For instance, when a person can’t make a payment on a mortgage or a car loan.
When a country does this, it’s known as a sovereign default. This is when the country cannot repay its debt, which typically takes the form of bonds.
So if the US were to default, it would essentially stop paying the money it owed US Treasury bond holders.

Gittleson, K. (2013, October 17). What happens in a US debt default?. BBC News. Retrieved from