earned income tax credit 所得稅寬減額

earned income tax credit


台物價漲 陳冲:調免稅額減負擔(2012年11月6日)。大紀元,取自 http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/12/11/6/n3723034.htm

Hong Kong should not emulate the welfare state model, but it does have options. One is the earned income tax credit (EITC). The EITC, which is used in the US, offers a tax rebate to working individuals making less than a defined sum of money. By offering a rebate, the EITC removes the disincentive to work – the benefit is only availed if there is taxable income.

Hong Kong is a wealthy city, yet more than a million are living in poverty. (2016, April 28). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from https://yp.scmp.com/news/features/article/103333/hong-kong-wealthy-city-yet-more-million-are-living-poverty?page=1