defined benefit 確定給付

defined benefit

但今天,隨着大多數退休金計劃由「確定給付制」(defined benefits)轉變成「確定提撥制」(defined contribution),一般退休金領取者和退休金之間的關係已經徹底顛倒了。現在,一般供款者每月都會收到月結單,說明他的退休金滾存到多少。

美國債息低企 惡性循環(2014年5月12日)。明報,取自美國債息低企%20惡性循環/web_tc/article/20140512/s00004/1399831030707

As the arithmetic of defined-benefit pension schemes – in which an employer or the government guarantees a pension equivalent to around 75 per cent of final salary – has gone so alarmingly awry, so more and more pensions are defined-contribution schemes – US$35.4 trillion worth in the world’s richest 19 economies.

Global pensions crisis only going to get worse. (2016, August 26). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from