old age supplement 老人補助金

old age supplement


憨兒顧癌末父 一天一餐是他們的夢想(2015年1月19日)。蘋果日報,取自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20150119/544423/

An early example was the decision to reduce the age of eligibility for the Old Age Supplement (OAS) to 65 from 67. Programs like the OAS were designed when the average life span was about 70. Now that people are regularly living to 90 and beyond, it doesn’t take a math genius to realize that these programs are no longer financially sustainable.

Trudeau vs Canada’s youth: Young Canadians are the big losers under Liberal government. (2016, July 20). Financial Post. Retrieved from http://business.financialpost.com/fp-comment/%E2%80%8Btrudeau-vs-canadas-youth%E2%80%8B-young-canadians-are-the-big-losers-under-liberal-government