Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 美國法院行政管理局

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts

债权人申请由法庭监督的强制破产非常少见,通常也是针对一些小公司。根据美国法院行政管理局(Administrative Office of the US Courts)的数据,在每年上万起企业破产案中,这种情况还不到1%。

焦点:债权人忍无可忍 申请法院强制欠债美国能源公司破产(2015年12月24日)。路透,取自

The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the front office of the federal judiciary, has released is annual data on the functioning of the courts, and others have done the legwork to figure out which of the 94 federal trial courts cut through its caseload most efficiently in the fiscal year that ended in September 2014.

Which Federal Trial Court Is ‘Most Productive?’ (2015, April 6). Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from