Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) 經濟顧問委員會

Council of Economic Advisers (CEA)

周二美国白宫经济顾问委员会主席弗曼(Jason Furman)在出席全美企业经济学家协会(NABE)会议时表示,强势美元将阻碍美国经济增长。这是首位表态强势美元不利经济的美国高官。


周日參與聯署的企業包括蘋果、谷歌、微軟、英特爾、推特、Facebook、eBay、Netflix、Dropbox等約100間科技巨擘,亦包括Levi’s、Chobani、Airbnb等非科技公司。早前被批評無加入反禁令罷駛而被用戶杯葛的Uber亦有參與是次聯署,其行政總裁卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)上周四(2日)在一片爭議聲中,宣布辭去特朗普的經濟顧問委員會職務。

【美入境禁令風波】蘋果微軟FB逾百美企聯署反對 指禁令不利吸人才 或致職位遷至境外(2017年2月7日)。明報,取

Traditionally, the head of the Council of Economic Advisers has been an academic economist, tasked with giving unvarnished economic advice to the president. Currently, Alan B. Krueger, a lauded labor economist who also served in Mr. Obama’s Treasury Department, holds the post, where he has focused in part on the issue of inequality.

Obama to Name New Leader of Economic Advisers Council. (2013, May 28). New York Times. Retrieved from