United States Department of Homeland Security 美國國土安全部

United States Department of Homeland Security

當地時間周二(12月1日),中國國務委員郭聲琨與美國司法部部長洛麗塔·林奇(Loretta E. Lynch)、美國國土安全部部長傑·約翰遜(Jeh Johnson)在華盛頓共同主持會議。雙方達成《打擊網絡犯罪及相關事項指導原則》,同意就有關事項建立高級別聯合對話機制,其中包括建立熱線,以處理在響應這些請求過程中可能出現的問題升級。


The U.S. Department of Homeland security is advising Americans not to use the Internet Explorer Web browser until a fix is found for a serious security flaw that came to light over the weekend.

Homeland Security: Don’t use IE due to bug. (2014, April 29). USA Today. Retrieved from http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/usanow/2014/04/28/internet-explorer-bug-homeland-security-clandestine-fox/8409857/