United States Department of Education 美國教育部

United States Department of Education

盈利性教育機構ITT技術學院(ITT Tech)9月6日突然關閉其全美所有130個校園,並將解僱大部分員工。此前兩個多星期前,美國教育部在對該校進行兩年的調查後宣布,該校在招生和財政上存在嚴重問題,並沒有達到「獨立大學和學校認證委員會」(ACICS)的認證標準。

遭教育部制裁 ITT 技術學院關門(2016年9月9日)。大紀元,取自http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/16/9/9/n8282320.htm

Ahead of the study’s release, the U.S. Department of Education offered a mea culpa of sorts, issuing a 10-page “action plan” to states and local districts that spells out ways to reduce redundant and low-quality testing. The department pledged to make money and staff available to help and promised to amend some of its policies.

Study says standardized testing is overwhelming nation’s public schools. (2015, October 24). The Washington Post. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/study-says-standardized-testing-is-overwhelming-nations-public-schools/2015/10/24/8a22092c-79ae-11e5-a958-d889faf561dc_story.html?utm_term=.57962957e7e6