water-filled barrier 水馬

water-filled barrier


警方中環部署大批鐵馬水馬應付佔中集會(2014年8月31日)。商業電台,取自 http://www.881903.com/Page/ZH-TW/newsdetail.aspx?ItemId=743595&csid=261_341

In the protesters’ Hong Kong, bus stands have become roadblocks; water-filled barriers became steps for people to climb over concrete fencing along Harcourt Road; barricades made up of umbrellas, ladders and metal railings became accidental art installations; and buses trapped by the crowds became “democracy walls” for people to leave messages.

Creative awakening sparked by Occupy Central as sit-ins reclaim streets. (2014, October 6). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1610547/occupys-umbrella-statue-symbol-peace-says-artist