A Clean Air Plan for Hong Kong 香港清新空氣藍圖

A Clean Air Plan for Hong Kong


「香港清新空氣藍圖」闡述政府改善空氣質素的決心(2013年3月28日)。香港特別行政區政府新聞公報,取自 http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201303/28/P201303280579.htm

The Environment Bureau unveiled “A Clean Air Plan for Hong Kong” today (March 28) to outline comprehensively and clearly the challenges Hong Kong is facing with regard to air quality as well as relevant policies, measures and plans to tackle the issue. Collaboration among various Government bureaux and departments and the concerted efforts of different sectors will all contribute to attaining the goal of cleaner air and a healthier living environment for the public.

Clean Air Plan for Hong Kong shows Government determination to improve air quality. (2013, March 28). HKSAR Government Press Release. Retrieved from http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201303/28/P201303280577.htm