Integrated Employment Assistance Programme 自力更生綜合就業援助計劃

Integrated Employment Assistance Programme


支援綜援就業 鼓勵自食其力(2013年9月14日)。文匯報,取自

Since January 2013, the Social Welfare Department (SWD) has commissioned 26 non-governmental organisations to implement the Integrated Employment Assistance Programme for Self-reliance (IEAPS). IEAPS aims to encourage and assist able-bodied Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients aged 15 to 59 to secure employment, by providing one-stop integrated employment assistance services and introducing the Work Exposure Services so as to help improve CSSA recipients’ chances of securing employment.

LCQ17: Integrated Employment Assistance Programme for Self-reliance. (2014, January 8). Retrieved from