back-up land 後勤土地

back-up land

其實始於70年代葵涌貨櫃碼頭落成後,而政府又未就貨櫃業規劃好足夠後勤土地,大批新界農地遂被改為露天貯物場和停車場。當時政府一直以為農地集體 官契能有效制止農地改變用途,但因為1983年著名的「生發案」Melhado Case,政府上訴失敗,宣佈農地的地契無力規管在農地上放置臨時貨倉的用途。

影子長策會 「犧牲小我」 只適用於弱者(2014年7月8日)。am730,取自

“One of the greatest problems for the terminal at Kwai Tsing,” Mooney explains, “is the lack of back-up land in the container yards that was identified in a government-commissioned port master plan 12 years ago.” Lam’s speech, he says, shows that the government is “oblivious to the plight of the city’s port.”

Hong Kong’s endangered port: Needs space, gets a committee. (2015, November 18). Hong Kong Free Press. Retrieved from