West Lothian question 西洛錫安問題

West Lothian question


話你知:「西洛錫安問題」未有圓滿答案(2014年9月21日)。文匯報,取自 http://paper.wenweipo.com/2014/09/21/GJ1409210018.htm

The West Lothian question, or the issue of “English votes for English laws”, regards the concept that in a devolved system, Scottish MPs can vote on England-only policies, but English MPs do not have an equivalent say on how Scotland is run because it is led by the Scottish parliament.

Scottish referendum result: What is the West Lothian question? (2014, September 19). Independent. Retrieved from http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/scottish-independence/scottish-referendum-result-what-is-the-west-lothian-question-9743318.html