Acts of Union 1707 1707年合併法案 (聯合法案)

Acts of Union 1707
繁:1707年合併法案 (聯合法案)
简:1707年合并法案 (联合法案)

最早的「合併」在1535年,英格蘭王國以《聯合法案》合併威爾斯公國。然後按《1707年聯合法案》合併蘇格蘭王國,才形成「聯合王國」。當中的「聯合」,是 Union,其實和「統一」又分別不大矣。


The Scottish government would begin discussions with the EU and the UN among others to discuss its future in relation to those organisations.
The Acts of Union 1707 would then have to be dissolved by passing a second bill.
Alex Salmond says he wants to achieve this by March 24, 2016.

Scottish independence referendum: the essential guide. (2014, September 11). The Telegraph. Retrieved from