Darien Disaster 達瑞恩災難

Darien Disaster

有些蘇格蘭人並沒有忘記,1707年之所以和英格蘭結盟,部分上是因為他們破產了,當時蘇格蘭參與了一個膽大妄為的計劃,現在被稱為「達瑞恩災難」(Darien Disaster),涉及巴拿馬一個瘧疾肆虐的沼澤。

蘇格蘭對脫離英國有顧慮沒眷戀(2014年9月12日)。紐約時報中文網,取自 http://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20140912/c12cohen/zh-hant/

The Darien disaster forced Scots to confront reality and recognise the merits of Union. Now, with the SNP’s make-believe economics, we are in grave danger of drifting out of that Union – even though only last September a majority of Scots voted against independence, believing that we are indeed ‘Better Together’.

Let the Scots sail off on another doomed adventure. They’ll go bust again – and come back begging. (2015, May 17). Daily Mail. Retrieved from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3084815/Let-Scots-sail-doomed-adventure-ll-bust-come-begging.html