The Scottish Episcopal Church 蘇格蘭聖公會

The Scottish Episcopal Church

蘇格蘭獨立公投結束,蘇格蘭選民以45%支持、55%反對的結果,最終選擇繼續留在英國。坎特伯里大主教韋爾比發表聲明,表示英格蘭聖公會盼望與蘇格蘭聖公會,在「後公投時代」繼續維持過往的密切關係,貢獻社會;蘇格蘭聖公會主教長錢寧禾夫(David Chillingworth)大主教亦表示:「我們與英格蘭聖公會的鄰舍關係一定會持續發展下去」。


“This is a moment for reconciliation and healing not rejoicing or recrimination. Some of the wounds opened up in recent months are likely to take time to heal on both sides of the border. The historically close relationships that have existed between the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Church of Scotland and the Church of England and our long involvement in mediation have a contribution to make as our societies not only reflect on the lessons of the referendum campaign but engage in delivering the radical restructuring of the relationship between Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom for which commitments have been made.”

Scottish independence campaign: the referendum as the votes were counted, 7am on polling day September 18, 2014, to 8am on results day. (2014, September 18). The Telegraph. Retrieved from