Presbyterianism 長老宗


根據Donald Smith的Freedom and Faith: A Question of Scottish Identity(自由與信仰:蘇格蘭認同問題)一書所指出,長老宗發源地蘇格蘭,基督教信仰與教會生活塑造了追求公義、平等以及注重民主程序的核心價值。

蘇格蘭獨立公投 續留英國(2014年10月8日)。台灣教會公報新聞網,取自

Looking further back, Scotland and England have been growing apart since the demise of the British Empire, Broun says. The decline of the Presbyterian church in Scotland, which provided a sense of self-government and Scottish identity, has also played a part in fueling the desire for independence, he said.

Scotland’s vote on independence: What you need to know. (2014, September 18). CNN. Retrieved from