Cross-Party Groups (CPGs) 跨黨派團體

Cross-Party Groups (CPGs)

蘇格蘭地方政府首席部長、蘇格蘭國家黨領袖薩蒙德與反對蘇格蘭獨立的英國跨黨派團體「統一好」(Better Together)主席達林就蘇格蘭獨立問題舉行電視辯論。


“The question is how will 129 MSPs cope with all the extra work?” he asked, pointing out there are fewer than 100 parliamentarians available to sit on committees and cross-party groups once the leadership and presiding officer are excluded.

Independent Scottish Parliament ‘needs 70 more MSPs’. (2013, February 6). The Telegraph. Retrieved from