Scottish National Party (SNP) 蘇格蘭民族黨

Scottish National Party (SNP)

中新网9月24日电 综合外媒报道,尽管苏格兰首席部长萨蒙德所领导的苏格兰独立在公投中未能成功,但他所在的苏格兰民族党成员出现大幅增加,已经超过英国自由民主党,成为了英国的第三大党派。

独立公投后苏格兰民族党成员猛增 成英第三大党(2014年9月24日)。中国新闻网,取自

Last week the Scottish National Party lost the Scottish referendum vote, and they lost Alex Salmond. But the referendum has galvanised thousands of people to spend their hard-earned cash on membership to the party, according to Chief Executive Peter Murrell.

The Scottish National Party is now the third largest party in the UK. (2014, September 26). Mirror. Retrieved from