The Kingdom of Scotland 蘇格蘭王國

The Kingdom of Scotland

最早的「合併」在1535年,英格蘭王國以《聯合法案》合併威爾斯公國。然後按《1707年聯合法案》合併蘇格蘭王國,才形成「聯合王國」。當中的「聯合」,是 Union,其實和「統一」又分別不大矣。


Scotland has long had a testy relationship with its more populous neighbor. The Act of Union in 1707 joined the kingdom of Scotland with England and Wales, but many Scots were unhappy at being yoked to their longtime rival south of the border.

Scotland’s vote on independence: What you need to know. (2014, September 18). CNN. Retrieved from