Pearl River Delta Region Air Traffic Management Planning and Implementation Plan 珠江三角洲地區空中交通管理規劃與實施方案 (珠三角空管方案)

Pearl River Delta Region Air Traffic Management Planning and Implementation Plan
繁:珠江三角洲地區空中交通管理規劃與實施方案 (珠三角空管方案)
简:珠江三角洲地区空中交通管理规划与实施方案 (珠三角空管方案)


中 港 澳 簽 協 議 加 強 民 航 合 作(2016年5月10日)。星島日報,取自

In 2007, the TWG reportedly came up with a Pearl River Delta Region Air Traffic Management Planning and Implementation Plan to coordinate airspace planning and air traffic control in the region to meet the rising needs of the five existing airports in the Pearl River Delta area until 2020.

Third runway could be another disaster in the making. (2015, October 12). EJ Insight. Retrieved from