Tube Launched, Optically Tracked, Wire Guided (TOW) Missile 陶式導彈

Tube Launched, Optically Tracked, Wire Guided (TOW) Missile
繁:陶式導彈 (一種管式發射光學瞄準、紅外跟蹤、有線制導的反坦克導彈)
简:陶式导弹 (一种管式发射光学瞄准、红外跟踪、有线制导的反坦克导弹)

可是,軍事專家指出,伊軍火力最強的只是 T72坦克,長途奔襲,必定暴露在美軍「坦克殺手」的阿帕奇直升機、「陶式」導彈和 A10對地攻擊機的猛烈炮火之下,此舉無異於軍事自殺。


American ground commanders are counting heavily on infantry missiles to stop Iraqi tanks. But the effectiveness of those weapons – notably the tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided TOW missile and the Dragon wire-guided missile – is questioned by many experts.

CONFRONTATION IN THE GULF; Disadvantage for U.S. in the Desert: Fewer Tanks. (1990, August 25). New York Times. Retrieved from