air-to-ground missile (AGM)/air-to-surface missile 空對地導彈

air-to-ground missile (AGM)/air-to-surface missile


伊拉克斥20亿重建空军对抗伊朗 拟购买36架F-16(2008年9月7日)。中国网,取自

Boeing Co. makes the GBU-54 laser- and satellite-guided bomb dropped by Navy fighters, while Raytheon Co. makes the AGM-65 air-to-ground missile that’s been used by the Air Force. Lockheed Martin Corp. makes the laser-guided Hellfire missile that’s been used in Iraq.

U.S. Flew 2,700 Iraq Missions Before Obama’s New Push. (2014, September 12). Bloomberg. Retrieved from

The official Syrian news agency reported today that the air-to-surface missile hit the bus, on the Iraqi side of the border, yesterday evening.

Sandstorm slows troops’ progress. (2003, March 24). The Guardian. Retrieved from