Jihadi John 聖戰約翰

Jihadi John


IS證實「聖戰約翰」遭美軍空襲喪生(2016年1月19日)。BBC中文网,取自 http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/world/2016/01/160119_is_john_dead

The man who came to be known as Jihadi John first came to public attention in August last year with the release of a chilling video in which he appeared to behead the American journalist James Foley, who had been captured by IS two years earlier.

Who is Jihadi John, and how did Mohammed Emwazi become the symbol of Isil? (2015, November 13). The Telegraph. Retrieved from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/03/16/who-is-jihadi-john-and-how-did-mohammed-emwazi-become-the-symbol/