Haruna Yukawa 湯川遥菜

Haruna Yukawa


安倍晉三指湯川遙菜已被斬首片段相信是真確(2015年1月25日)。商業電台,取自 http://www.881903.com/Page/ZH-TW/newsdetail.aspx?ItemId=775402&csid=261_367

But with prime minister Shinzo Abe stating that the chilling recording, purportedly released by Isis on Saturday, is genuine, the beheading of Haruna Yukawa marks a violent end to a troubled life.

Haruna Yukawa: death in the desert marks a violent end to a troubled life. (2015, January 25). The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/25/haruna-yukawa-execution-by-isis-confirmed