Youth League Faction (tuanpai) 團派

Youth League Faction (tuanpai)

十九大人事博弈的焦點之一,是政治局委員、廣東省委書記胡春華能否「入常」。 胡春華出身「團派」,曾被視為中共第六代接班人大熱;但習近平近來整肅共青團,並將在十九大進一步確立核心權威,胡春華命運走向仍待觀察。

「政治明星」胡春華 入常或仍有懸念(2017年10月3日)。經濟日報,取自

Like Hu Chunhua, Mr Wang comes from the “Youth League faction” of the party, and is seen as one of the top contestants for a PSC seat, Hong Kong media note.

China party congress: The rising stars of China’s Communist Party. (2017, October 8). BBC News. Retrieved from

The sole sixth-generation Politburo member, Guangdong party boss Hu Chunhua, 54, has an outside chance of entering the PSC. He belongs to the tuanpai and is also a potential successor to current top leaders.

Xi to place allies in key posts. (2017, October 9). The Straits Times. Retrieved from