river crab 河蟹

river crab


泥馬戰河蟹 草根鬥權威(2009年3月17日)。BBC 中文網,取自 http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/simp/hi/newsid_7940000/newsid_7948300/7948369.stm

Bloggers started to refer to being censored as having been “harmonised” – bei hexie le 被和谐了 – but, by changing the tones in Chinese or changing the characters, you can fudge the meaning. So another hexie is river crab 河蟹。In other words, when you see an image of a river crab on the internet in China, it is likely to be a reference to something having been censored.

Why China censors banned Winnie the Pooh. (2017, July 17). BBC News. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-china-blog-40627855