“silent mentor” 大體老師

“silent mentor”


想做大體老師? 上網登記好easy(2013年10月14日)。蘋果日報,取自 http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20131014/18463308


蔡心軼、蔣廷玉(2013年3月29日)。他們的名字,都叫“大體老師”。新華日報,取自 http://xh.xhby.net/mp2/html/2013-03/29/content_743156.htm

By the time students here wield their scalpels, they will know the dead intimately, composing poems and slide shows to them, writing their biographies and sometimes lighting incense in their honor. When they are finished, the students will carry the donors’ coffins to the crematory, mourning them as their “silent mentors” who taught them with their bodies.

Johnson, I. (2009, April 22). Poems and Tears for ‘Silent Mentors’ Spark a Surge of Cadavers in Taiwan. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB124035156541040575.