“Food Wise Hong Kong” Campaign “惜食香港”運動

“Food Wise Hong Kong” Campaign

委員會又對廚餘問題深表不滿及失望, 批評環境局及環保署只採取了零碎的行動處理廚餘問題,環保署亦無採取適時及積極的行動,監察惜食香港運動的成效。 而環保署並無進行協調工作以爭取各政府部門支持以身作則減少廚餘。

帳委會批環保署無爭取政府部門減廚餘(2016年2月17日)。經濟日報,取自 https://topick.hket.com/article/1370359/帳委會批環保署無爭取政府部門減廚餘

Only four of the 12 government departments have signed up to the Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign, which promotes reduction of food waste, two years after its launch.

Hong Kong’s waste problem: a stinking trail of missed targets, data errors and misdirected efforts. (2015, December 1). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1885428/hong-kongs-waste-problem-stinking-trail-missed-targets-data