strand 擱淺/滯留


本港再發現江豚擱淺,是本年錄得的第 14 宗個案。香港海洋公園保育基金今天(10日)接報,有成年江豚於塔門擱淺,已嚴重腐爛,但未能確定死因。保育基金已將江豚運返海洋公園,作進一步化驗。

成年江豚塔門擱淺 屍身嚴重腐爛 本年第14宗

Two porpoise carcasses were found on separate Hong Kong shores on Sunday, bringing the total number of stranded cases involving the marine animal to 15 this year – a figure that was alarming, conservationists warned.

Two porpoise carcasses found on separate Hong Kong shores, bringing number of cases this year to 15 – an alarming trend, green groups warn. (2019, February 12). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from


滯湖北10港人確診 議員轟港府瞞疫情 最小12歲 兩家庭全部中招(2020年2月13日)。明報,取自要聞/article/20200213/s00001/1581532180390/

Two thousand other Hongkongers remain stranded in more than 30 cities in Hubei province after failing to return before Wuhan was locked down.

10 HK residents stricken with virus while stranded in Hubei. (2020, February 13). The Standard. Retrieved from