volcanic ash 火山灰

volcanic ash


阿拉斯加火山噴發 灰雲恐威脅來往亞洲航班(2017年5月29日)。信報財經新聞,取自 http://www2.hkej.com/instantnews/current/article/1573890

The volcano sits under the flight path of many flights from Asia to North America and its ash cloud could adversely affect aircraft. “Ash and aircraft do not mix, as volcanic ash is abrasive, melts at jet engine temperatures, and can cause engine failure,” according to the United States Geological Survey.
Highest aviation alert level issued after Alaskan volcano erupts. (2017, May 30). CNN. Retrieved from http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/29/us/alaska-bogoslof-volcano-eruption/index.html