“cash-planting” scheme “種金”計劃
“cash-planting” scheme
種金案三高層判監兩年至四年(2007年12月21日)。大紀元,取自 http://hk.epochtimes.com/news/2007-12-21/種金案三高層判監兩年至四年-82265615
Initial investigations found that people were induced to participate in various cash-planting schemes. One allegedly allowed members to get a $9,900 return a year after an investment of $2,940. Other schemes allegedly offered a lucrative referral bonus if members could recruit more people to invest with the company.
6 arrested for cash-planting scam. (2006, August 11). news.gov.hk. Retrieved from http://archive.news.gov.hk/isd/ebulletin/en/category/lawandorder/060811/html/060811en08002.htm