aviation hub 航空樞紐

aviation hub


借力中新合作 重慶建國際航空樞紐 (2017年3月22日)。文匯報,取自 http://news.wenweipo.com/2017/03/22/IN1703220026.htm

“Hong Kong in danger of losing its status as aviation hub, Qantas chief warns.”

“The danger for a lot of the Asian hubs is that they were the premium hubs for a long time and what we are now seeing is the Middle Eastern hubs competing on the West and now the Chinese on the East and North,” Joyce said.

Lee, D. (2017, March 19). Hong Kong in danger of losing its status as aviation hub, Qantas chief warns. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/economy/article/2080302/hong-kong-danger-losing-its-status-aviation-hub-qantas-chief