park and ride 泊車轉乘

park and ride

故此,美利道大廈停車場的消失,並不代表需要在同區另覓地址再建停車場,務實的做法是在鄰近地區設置泊車轉乘 (Park and Ride) 設施,鼓勵車主不再將車輛駛進中環地區,改而乘搭港鐵和巴士等公共交通工具前往市中心,以減少區內的車輛數量,減緩區內的交通擠塞和空氣污染問題。


Community Transit has found Lynnwood and Ash Way park-and-ride stations filled in recent months, and responded by repainting some curbs to add more than 20 spaces at Ash Way, and by ticketing or towing cars that are improperly parked, spokesman Martin Munguia said.

Lindblom, M. (2017, May 24). Metro launches crackdown on rule-bending cars at park-and-ride lots. The Seattle Times. Retrieved from