piling 打樁



疑受打樁影響 土瓜灣福運大廈多處現裂縫(2016年6月16日)。on.cc東網,取自 http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20160616/bkn-20160616171429977-0616_00822_001.html

E.On said the noise came from piling activity on the turbine foundations eight miles offshore.

Rampion wind farm: Offshore piling work wakes residents. (2016, July 21). BBC News. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-sussex-36857576

A source told Apple Daily before the meeting that they were not banned permanently as “jerry-building was not involved,” unlike the “short piling scandal” of public housing estates in Tin Shui Wai in 1999.

Cheng, K. (2015, October 1). Housing Authority punishes four building contractors over public estates affected by lead water scandal. Hong Kong Free Press. Retrieved from https://www.hongkongfp.com/2015/10/01/housing-authority-punishes-four-building-contractors-over-public-estates-affected-by-lead-water-scandal/