“King of Kowloon” Tsang Tsou-choi “九龍皇帝”曾灶財

“King of Kowloon” Tsang Tsou-choi


九龍皇帝曾灶財墨寶拍賣(2015年8月5日)。經濟日報,取自 http://topick.hket.com/article/659924/九龍皇帝曾灶財墨寶拍賣

A toothless garbageman who once wandered Hong Kong’s streets with dingy bags of ink and brushes tied to his crutches is now the subject of a major retrospective. About 300 calligraphic works by the late Tsang Tsou-choi — who is best known by his self-dubbed title, the King of Kowloon — are showing at the ArtisTree art space in a high glass tower.

King of Kowloon Finally Gets Respect. (2011, May 4). New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/05/arts/05iht-kowloon05.html