Black Island Nation Youth Front 黑色島國青年陣線

Black Island Nation Youth Front

佔領立法院運動,主要由「黑色島國青年陣線」發動,串聯另外10 多個社運及大學組織,連日來維持集體決策,遇到重要決定,如定出馬英九回應死線、把行動升級,均由10 多名組織領袖在場內一角,或在議事廳背後、院長王金平的辦公室開會決定。


The students had for weeks been seeking a way to catapult their nascent Black Island Nation Youth Front and its mission of derailing the island’s free-trade pact with the mainland to the forefront of public attention.

Chung, L. (2014, March 24). Anti-trade pact occupation of Taiwan parliament was ‘months in the making’. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from