Rating and Valuation Department 差餉物業估價署

Rating and Valuation Department


差估署私宅售價指數連升17個月 再創新高(2017年9月29日)。on.cc 東網,取自 http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20170929/bkn-20170929103028829-0929_00822_001.html

The monthly home price index, a measure of movements in the second-hand property market, rose by 0.3 of an index point, or less than one-tenth of a per cent, to 336.8 in July, from 336.5 in June, according to the Rating and Valuation Department’s data.

Hong Kong’s July home prices rise at the slowest pace in 16 months as market loses steam. (2017, August 31). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/property/hong-kong-china/article/2109091/hong-kongs-july-home-prices-rise-slowest-pace-three-months