“Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher “鐵娘子”戴卓爾夫人

“Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher


英國政府公佈戴卓爾夫人葬禮細節(2013年4月15日)。文匯報,取自 http://news.wenweipo.com/2013/04/15/IN1304150087.htm

Attila the Hen, the Great-She Elephant, the Grocer’s Daughter, That Bloody Woman, the Iron Lady, the Blessed Margaret. As David Cannadine says of Margaret Thatcher, “no male prime minister had ever been known by so many admiring and vituperative sobriquets”.

Margaret Thatcher: A Life and Legacy by David Cannadine. (2017, January 16). The Times. Retrieved from http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/margaret-thatcher-a-life-and-legacy-by-david-cannadine-rp2z276t7