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visa fraud 簽證欺詐

visa fraud 繁:簽證欺詐 简:签证欺诈 美國當局相信,一名與解放軍有關連、被控涉嫌簽證欺詐的中國研究人員,正匿藏在中國駐三藩市領事館內。 美國稱一名與解放軍有關中國研究人員匿藏三藩市領事館(2020年7月23日)。rthk,取自 The FBI believes that a Chinese researcher, accused of visa fraud for hiding her affiliation with the Chinese military, has been holed up in the Chinese consulate in San Francisco for a month, according to court filings. U.S. prosecutors say Chinese researcher is evading . . . Read more