right to silence 緘默權

right to silence


生理鹽水被指汽油彈材料 大狀批評大規模濫捕 示威拘捕人數倍增 檢控率17%(2019年11月4日)。明報,取自https://news.mingpao.com/pns/要聞/article/20191104/s00001/1572805282182/

The young woman said that, although she could imagine it becoming “an indecent scene” on the news, she “did not even shed a tear” and calmly exercised her right to silence after being arrested.

Hong Kong police tear skirt, underwear off female protester, sparking public wrath. (2019, August 6). Taiwan News. Retrieved from https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3759806