specialised crowd management vehicle (water cannon vehicle) 人群管理特別用途車(水炮車)

specialised crowd management vehicle (water cannon vehicle)

據報,警方斥資2 700萬元購買的三輛人群管理特別用途車(俗稱「水炮車」),將於本月底全部運抵香港。

立法會九題:人群管理的特別用途車(2018年6月13日)。香港特別行政區政府新聞公報,取自 http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201806/13/P2018061300422.htm

It has been reported that all of the three specialised crowd management vehicles (commonly known as “water cannon vehicles”) purchased by the Police with a budget of $27 million will be delivered to Hong Kong by the end of this month.

LCQ9: Specialised crowd management vehicles. (2017, June 13). HKSAR Press Releases. Retrieved from http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201806/13/P2018061300435.htm?fontSize=1