die in line of duty 殉職

die in line of duty


墮崖殉職消防 追授金英勇勳章(2017年6月30日)。明報,取自 https://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20170630/s00001/1498759173440

Top government officials, heads of disciplinary forces and lawmakers paid their last respects to a fireman who died in the line of duty during a mountain rescue operation last month.

Hero’s send-off for Hong Kong fireman who died in clifftop rescue mission. (2017, April 14). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education-community/article/2087665/heros-send-hong-kong-fireman-who-died-clifftop